Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
Easy Ways to Customize Themes in Shopify

The appearance of your website is one of the most important aspects of your business. It is key that visitors to your website almost instantly can connect your website to your store. As BinderPOS customers, you have access to Shopify and all the tools it has to offer.Shopify allows you to add and edit pretty much anything on your site to make sure it stands out above the rest. Here are a few items that can be edited today to help your game store stand out among the rest.
Having a website that matches the color scheme of your current logo/brand makes it much easier for customers to recognize that this is your store. Shopify makes it simple to add or change colors on your site, and all you have to do is navigate to the theme settings of your website and select settings, as shown below.
Along with matching your logo and colors to your company or brand, you can also use the fonts that your store is already associated with. Most companies have a certain font that they use for all their logos or graphics, so make sure your website uses the same font too. Make the title at the top of each page the same font, or the body text similar to text you use regularly for your store. This can also be done in the theme settings in Shopify under "Typography."
A favicon image is another simple thing Shopify allows you to add to make your site more recognizable as your store. A favicon is a small graphic image that is up in the left-hand corner of the browsing tab. Again, this helps visitors quickly associate this website to your game store, making them that much more likely to become a customer. Add this image under the "Favicon" tab in the theme settings in Shopify.
The final item that we have seen help game stores see more success through their website is adding links to all your social media sites. Adding these links will help customers see to the legitimacy of your store, while also allowing them to see other parts of your store they might not have known are there. Add social media links to your website under the social media tab in the theme settings shown below.
Your website is a great tool that all game store owners should be taking advantage of. With access to Shopify for all BinderPOS customers, it really could not be any easier to really make your website pop and bring in lots of new business to your store. Simple things like adding colors and graphics, or links to other parts of your online store can really show the customers who you are, and what your store has to offer.