Robust Theme

Kajabi Theme With Unlimited Possibilities

Attract more visitors, and win more subscribers with Robust.

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Fusce ut placerat ante, vitae euismod neque. Vivamus sed mauris quis sem dapibus fermentum. Mauris porta, tortor eget scelerisque malesuada, est massa eleifend eros, ac tristique libero nisi sed lectus.

Building a Support Network for Your LGS

A popular LGS is typically one that has built a strong support network. There are a number of ways that you can make connections in the industry, and these connections can ultimately make or break you...

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What is an FLGS?

What Does FLGS Stand For?

Gaming communities love acronyms, and one of the most common you’ll find mentioned both in-person and online is FLGS. This stands for one of the most important things to man...

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The Best Events to Run at Your LGS

The ultimate success of your LGS is all about bringing in the crowds, and there is no better way to foster and build a community than by running events. While the most important thing is to determine ...

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How to Open and Get Started With Your Very Own LGS


So, you’ve set aside some funds and you’re finally ready to take the big business leap to open your very own local game store. It’s the perfect opportunity to take what you’re passionate about and ...

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How to Start Selling Online As An LGS

With modern markets increasingly relying on having a digital presence, it is beyond recommended that any LGS that aims to succeed should be selling online. While there are several avenues you can take...

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3 Easy Ways to Increase Online Sales As an LGS

BinderPOS takes great pride in helping any LGS find the best ways to do business. One of the biggest ways to make a difference in sales is to make sure that you’re taking advantage of the best online ...

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5 Tools That Every LGS Needs in a Point of Sale System

At BinderPOS we wholeheartedly believe that an LGS should be empowered as much as possible with its chosen point of sale system. While there are many potential advantages that POS system can provide f...

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Top 4 Sales Channels for LGS’ to Sell Online

Reaching as many potential customers as possible should be a priority for any LGS that wants to succeed, and we want to help you discover the best online sales channels available. While the digital ma...

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How to Use the 80/20 Rule as a Hobby Game Store

The 80/20 rule of inventory management postulates that 80 percent of the results from any event are produced by 20 percent of the efforts. When applied to inventory: 80 percent of profit  is made from...

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3 Tips to Boost Magic: The Gathering Sales for LGS

Selling trading card games is a significant part of the business for many hobby game stores. Magic: The Gathering, in particular, is a big seller, especially around release dates. Wizards of the Coast...

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